This blog entry was originally private. I'd decided to just write privately. I did one entry, which was a version of this one and then didn't do anything for ages.
As I sat down to write again my mind was flooded with issues. There were dilemmas to be discussed about signing up with a friend of mine who has started a Labor campaign for the seat in Southern River against Peter Abetz ,who is a good guy!!!
There were my lamentations about doing something constructive. LIfe will be over and I won't have contributed anything apart from leaving children on the planet. And what is the point of that if they don't have a life worth living.
That said, I constantly struggle with the idea that we are totally caught up in the ideology of the age and I think that last comment is an example of that. This belief of consumption and contribution and self centredness. You might draw the conclusion that life is about making your presence felt, that the world was aware of you. Actually Alain De Botton tweeted recently words to the effect:
"People who want to be famous generally had parents who took the media a bit too seriously."
But what if God is about the experience of existence. He exists and His existence is the experience of love in trinity. It sounds crazy at one level but I'm looking up through the smog, filth and haze of human experience where every weekend I look at the weeds and think - I should do something about that and then think, why bother, they'll only come back.
Old men weeding their lawns. Holy cow! That's what your life comes to. Weeding lawns. All the potential of human existence and you weed lawns. But then what does it amount to.
So what is the alternative? Creating an impression of who you are in the minds of others. What are you embedding in the minds of others? An impression of you. So what? So what if they think you're x, y, or z? What the hell do they actually know about you. That's why I think it's all meaningless if there's no God.
At one level it makes sense there's a God. All this magnificence about us. I dont mind that it's all for Him. If the eternal mind of God has a place for me, great. It makes no sense to look at the universe and go, yep it's random. The brilliance of human existence is so complicated and magnificent that it makes sense that there's a God.
I'm watching a doco about WWI and it strikes me as largely pointless. What a daunting, mindless, waste of life. Serbia wants to be free of Austria and so kills the Arch Duke kicking off what is in effect a series of dominoes. Crazy. It makes the arbitrariness and seeming meaningless of life very challenging.
And while I have never read it from beginning to end, I think Ecclesiastes is the wisest book in all the world. It sums up exactly what I think. This stuff of killing and weeding goes on endlessly and it means nothing. Therefore worship God. God is worth worshipping. The revelation reaches through like light into a dusty room and my soul rejoices. Praise God. I can live with that.