I have a couple of people to acknowledge for the existence of this... weblog. First, Lincoln, he has been doing this thing for a bit and while I've always been intrigued by blogs, he's the first person I know well who has a blog. A student of mine from some time back keeps a blog - but I've forgotten the site.
The other person to acknowledge is the enigmatic Panda. That's not actually her name, like it's not "Enigmatic Panda". It's Just Panda. She put a spin on the whole 'Blog' thing that just blew my mind. She inadvertantly encouraged me to look into all of tis a bit deeper and what I found really... well, it's huge. Some have some terribly important things to say, some have some have absolutely nothing to say.
I figured, I've got nothing to say too.
And by jingo, I'm going to say it. Softly at first, but then louder and louder until others catch the cry, and they will then cry out with one accord,
"HE HAS NOTHING TO SAY..... NOTHING" except there will be one guy and he will say "NOTHING" just out of time with everone else.
So yeah... I was talking about Panda.
(Awkward pause)
That reminds me of a story. Pandas look cute and cuddly but there was this tourist guy, in China, where Panda's are native (actually where the Chinese are native as well, which probably negates the whole tourist guy thing I just wrote) and he figured he'd climb into the Panda enclosure and give it a hug. The Panda took exception to the guy. The guy and the hug. The guy and the hug and his camera. The guy and the hug and his camera and his arm. Suufice to say the man parted ways with his arm with a little help from the Panda, and with a little further encouragement, his life. Wild animals are real funny about personal space. Nasty. Nasty Panda. The Chinese guy hugging the Panda went right round the world. Something to encoourage people NOT to do. If it's in an enclosure, they spent all that money for a reason. You know, and I know this is probably not the right thing to say, but people who hug wild animals get what they deserve. It's Mother Nature's way of culling those who shouldn't really be contributing to the gene pool. Take the Grizzly Man. The Bears certainly did. Hope his mum never reads this.
I tried to find a link to the news story, but to no avail. Instead check out this link and enjoy watching a hunter getting the crap knocked out of him by an angry deer. You will have to scan down the page a tad to find the link.
And just to make it crystal clear, Panda is not a real Panda. She works in a book shop and that's how I met her. Through that shop I bought a copy of the book Barons to Bloggers: Confronting Media Power. The blurg on the book summed up the importance of the whole blog thing:
Whatever one thinks of Rupert Murdoch or his ethics, when a mogul of his stature stands on a public platform and predicts the end of God-like media figures telling people what's important, you begin to realise that there's something seismic going on in the world of communications. Seismic, but unpredictable. -
Eric Beecher, Publisher,
The picture of the Panda? This is a dramatic reconstruction of events leading up to the attack. Note the constricted pupils, a dead give-away that Pandas are about to attack. That and the screams from the people on the other side of the enclosure.
Well ... welcome to blogland!
ReplyDeleteHas an alien taken over your body and learnt how to type??
I'm looking forward to reading your blogs and I mean this in no way to discourage you but if I'm going to understand them, you're going to have to at least write them in English.
... and I rate myself as someone who understands you (at least in part) - so this really scares me that there is possibly an alien breathing through your nostrils this very moment and the real Justin has been dragged away and bound in a spaceship somewhere.