Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Check your facts or get bitten in the face

Sigh. I should check and double check before I mention something. Ridiculous really, given that I haven't blogged in a while.


Here's a follow up to the Mark Bao story I posted the other day. Seems like certain things don't add up - which in light of everything, makes more sense. Hit on the following link to go to "People Liking People" blogspot where they call out Bao's story.

I've not written anything of late - and in what now appears rather desperate, I've resorted to uploading entries based on old events. Yep - nothing cool happens to me anymore so I'm now drifting back over my past, looking wistfully at previous events. Smiling through glazed eyes as I recall them. Cept the whole time I was in Turkey I spent it with mounting concern that we were going to die. Retelling the past always sounds good, largely because you obviously survived it. Next thing you know I'll be standing at a checkout recounting events like an old person. Come to think of it I did just that at a reticulation shop - you know - for sprinklers and stuff I'm in the habit of destroying. I started telling thus story to the owner of the store when I suddenly realised he gave not a crap. I fled, muttering an apology for going on but stumbling along with the fresh revelation that I had become 'that guy'.

No - it's not true that nothing cool happens. I said that just so I could write a blog. Wait....

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